Corfu Island


From the important Greek port of Igoumenitsa, Corfu can be reached by boat in less than two hours. It is located between the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, 80 kilometers from Italy, only three kilometers from Albania at the northernmost point.

Tourists walking through Corfu will seem to have already seen the streets and buildings there. They are right - white stone houses and narrow streets are reminiscent of Dalmatia. Venetians were the undisputed masters of Corfu until 1797. During that time they built many buildings and some neighborhoods in the city of Corfu face Venice. The influence of Venice is reflected in the cuisine. The streets of the island are intersected by numerous squares and decorated with buildings mostly Italian and English architecture. Liston Street is especially interesting for tourists.

In his epic about Odysseus, Homer spoke of Corfu as the last residence of the king of Ithaca before his return to his homeland. .One of his heirs, the daughter of King Alcinus, Nausica, found Odysseus the only survivor on a broken ship, which is still a symbol of the island.

The written history of Corfu begins in 734 BC when it was inhabited by the Corinthians. Philip and Alexander the Great, Cicero, Cato, Caesar and Mark Antony came here. and was under it for a full 1000 years.

The Turks constantly attacked the island and made massacres. The Russians passed there: the French, under the leadership of Napoleon, and then the English, so that Corfu could finally join the mother country in 1864.

Near the small archipelago called the Mission of the Island, there is the castle of Achilles, where the Austrian Empress Elizabeth, the wife of Franz Joseph, rested.

Near the sumptuous entrance is Elizabeth’s life-size sculpture made of marble.

On the back are spacious terraces. On the first are marble sculptures of all nine muses and an unknown number of famous people of ancient Hellas. On the second are cherubs and nymphs and on the third Achilles 14 meters high after which the villa is named.

Frau Sisi as the Empress was called was a very educated and very advanced woman for her time. She fought for women's rights, the right to education, as well as for general social justice.

When she married Francis Joseph, then an Austrian prince, many took this for evil.

When beautiful Sisi became a mother, her free-thinking ideas became dangerous, so her mother-in-law took away her children.

Crown Prince Rudy fell passionately in love with the older but beautiful Mary, whose origin was not in the network of the imperial house, so he suffered reproaches not only from his grandmother but also from the whole court. He only had the support of his mother. with her a terrible night and before they both raised their hands to themselves he wrote a letter to his mother in which he explained the reasons for such an act. It was a tragedy that shook the world.

Then Emperor Joseph had that summer house built, where Sisi withdrew to mourn her unfortunate fate. Her hero was Achilles. She sincerely believed that the attributes of this demigod were those that would adorn her Rudi.

Her life ended at the beginning of the last century in the park of a Swiss spa when an ex-Italian fell on Elizabeth with a knife, blinded by jealousy. Later it turned out that the assassination was the result of an accident.

On the terrace of Achilles, under a tree canopy, there is a sculpture of Frina. Frina was a Corinthian whose beauty fascinated everyone who saw her. Disappointed Frina decided to entrust her destiny to Aphrodite and become a priestess in her temple, which stands white above the city.

The Pantheon was a debauched society in which even the supreme god Zeus did not shy away from adultery and even adultery, and the gods of the lower order regularly had orgies with mortals as well. made available to the men who came to the temple. With the arrival of Frina, the devotees of the goddess Aphrodite multiplied, and that one day of the year became commonplace.

The jealous Corinthians decided to stand in the way of this fornication of their husbands. He is guilty and he could not oppose the raging women.

While the cheerful Corinthians were looking for stones to shower Frina with, the judge got up and approached the frightened heterosexual. He took a ring with a huge precious stone from his finger and inserted it into Frina's bosom. accepted. Frina returned to Aphrodite's temple with her guts full of jewels.



Stojte, galije carske! 
Spuštajte krme moćne! 
Gazite tihim hodom! 
Opelo gordo držim 
u doba jeze noćne 
nad ovom svetom vodom. 
Tu na dnu, 
gde školjke san umoran hvata 
i na mrtve alge tresetnica pada, 
leži groblje hrabrih, 
leži brat do brata, 
Prometeji nade, apostoli jada."

Milutin Bojić, "Plava grobnica"

The shocking story of the suffering of soldiers outside the borders of their homeland is the story of one of the largest Serbian sanctuaries outside the borders of Serbia. It is the story of the island of Vido and the Blue Tomb.

After the fall of Belgrade in the First World War, the Serbian army and part of the civilian population arrived in Corfu after the crossing of Albania. The horrors that the Serbian people survived in that retreat are rare in history. More than one hundred and fifty thousand Serbian soldiers arrived in Corfu. After crossing the Albanian mountains, the Serbs were exhausted and many of them fell ill before arriving in Corfu.

Among the first to arrive were thousands of boy-recruits, exhausted and suffering from dysentery, typhus, pneumonia, and starvation. They looked like living corpses, they lay on the bare ground, under the rain, which had been falling continuously for days. In the first days, up to 300 unfortunates died continuously every day.

They were buried in the Blue Tomb, near Vid.

The dead Serbian soldiers were first buried on the rocky shore of the island of Vid, and when they began to die en masse, they were transported by boat and sunk in the waters of the Ionian Sea, the "Blue Tomb". It is believed that over 10,000 Serbian soldiers and recruits were buried on the island of Vid and in the "Blue Tomb". In 1936, a large mausoleum-ossuary was built on the island of Vid, which houses the bones of soldiers buried here.

Uspomenu na teske dane cuva muzej Srpska kuca

The Museum of Serbs was opened in 1916-1918 on Mustoksidu Street, which opens onto the city's largest square. The city of Corfu and the Greek government donated one of their most beautiful galleries, an elegant house in the city center.

It is a place where our children should learn history and their parents should make up for what they missed, what they did not learn.

If you have chosen Corfu for your summer vacation in Greece, the optional trip that goes without saying is a trip to the island of Vido.


  • The Royal Palace of St. George and St. Michael was built in the 19th century.
  • Church of St. Spyridon, from the 16th century 
  • Serbian House, a museum with a permanent exhibition "Serbs in Corfu 1916-1918"
  • Vido Island, where the "Blue Tomb" is located, is a mausoleum erected in memory of Serbian soldiers from the First World War.
  • Achilles Palace
  • A Byzantine monastery from the 18th century, at the foot of which, according to legend, the ship of Odysseus ran aground.


Click HERE for activities on Corfu Island

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